Thursday, October 16, 2014

LIBOR and other fantasies

The Goblin Nooz Corporation has denied any knowledge of a LIBOR (Looting Investors Billions Of Revenue) related power struggle between regulatory office of the Western Empire and Royal Regulatory Constable of Her Majesty the Queen. The struggle is for the right not to regulate the Baronies and Knights (BanKs) for public looting.
The Southern Defense Perimeter for the great citadel of Manhattan also known as Wall Street has not released any statements regarding the matter in question. They categorically don’t have anything to do with the LIBOR scandal, as their own goblins have been too busy cozying with regulators and looting wealth belonging to anyone else.
The imperial nobility is relieved that they still reap the booty while the bill goes for peasants to pay. They are proud of their motto: No responsibility without taxation. As they pay no taxes why would they carry responsibility for their own misconduct.
The lords in the imperial capital city are quiet about the matter as their war chests are dependent on bribes… we meant contributions from the Southern Defense Perimeter organizations.