Monday, December 7, 2015

Ben Carson's plans to fights International Terrorism

If elected president, Ben Carson intends to surgically fight the infamous terrorist group Hummus and its secretive leader Baba Ganous. He will instruct the CIA to investigate group’s connections to shady Turkish character Shish Kebab, who is suspected to have questionable dealings with a Greek Feta. Group also has connections to Moroccan Couscous and Lebanese Tabouli.
As the precaution Mr. Carson will ban serving grape leaves at the White House to prevent any possible terrorist infiltration within them.

Friday, October 16, 2015

Carly Fiorina's executive plan

A crystal ball revealed an alleged executive plan by the future CEO of the United Corporate States of America Carly Fiorina. She will follow the established best practices. Step one: she will cut expenses by moving the federal bureaucracy from Washington, DC to Bangalore, India. Step two: To increase revenue she will buy the country of Albania. Step three: The sixth fleet will be moved under the Panamanian flag and manned by Filipino crews. This constitutes her announced rebuilding of the fleet.
Ms. Fiorina will always bring her golden parachute on board the Air force one just in case the board of directors decides to throw her out again.