Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Registration Plates

Dear Gareth,

Thank you for your attempt to mail me goats. I have managed to secure two kits. I just need to wait for them to grow to adults and hope Elyzanna doesn't charge interest. Anyway, cleaning after the kits isn't too much work.
       Latest news here comes from Brit Iles. Current Anglo-Saxon-Norman Government is negotiating their exit from Gallic Teutonic Nordic West Slavic Hispanic Greco-Roman League formerly known as Brit Gallic Teutonic Nordic West Slavic Hispanic Greco-Roman League. The negotiations have hit a couple of snags. One is: what should the car registration plates look like after the divorce? Should the League flag be replaced with Union Jack? And what should the Union Jack itself look like? St. Andrew has threatened to break away, and Ulster has threatened with potential implosion. If right flank of governing Tories of Brit isles doesn't get their way with the plates, they will vote no with orderly exit and yes with the imploding economy. Hispanic member of Gallic Teutonic Nordic West Slavic Hispanic Greco-Roman League has offered assistance. To stay clear, they demand a complete say over the status of the Rock at their border.
       Is Gabriel always so jumpy? I've heard he searches new signs of the worm constantly.
       Stay safe. Stay out of sight.



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